This article is the third in a series of articles written to help you get online. This article does not require you to read any other article in the series (nor must they be read in order).Now that you have some web space and some software you want to install how do you get it…
Tag: PHP
Get on the Web Part 2: Open Source Solutions
This article is the second in a series of articles written to help you get online. This article does not require you to read any other article in the series (nor must they be read in order).Now that you have an idea and a place to host your idea the next step in getting yourself…
Get on the Web Part 1: Domains and Hosting
After fielding a number of questions on this subject from friends and family I have decided to sit down and write a series of articles on this subject. This is not a series about blogging but blogging will be discussed. I will attempt to answer as many questions as possible in each installment. Sit back…
Notepad is not a viable PHP editor
Last night I needed to edit a few lines in a php file on one of my sites. I loaded up my ftp client and grabbed a copy of the file onto my local machine.Not paying attention I just double-clicked on the file and it opened up for editing. After changing a few lines I…
Adding a referrer specific redirect to your .htaccess file
Have you ever had one of those days when you receive so much traffic from a particular site that you need to redirect that traffic to a cached copy of your content? If you can gain access to your .htaccess file than you can implement this very quick bit of code<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>RewriteEngine onRewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} (…
Redirect old links with PHP
I recently moved my blog from Serendipty to WordPress. During this long process I ran into a brick wall.I had been intending to reuse all of my old URLs and place the new blog in the exact same place as the old blog but I encountered a problem.The Serendipity blog allowed me to use some…