When I first received The Great Space Race (Kenzer and Co., 2006 – Craig Zipse), I received the caution that it was an “American-style” game, rather than the “Eurogames” I often play. “Well, hooray”, ‘sez I; because every once in a while, I want to play a game that I can just soak up the…
Tag: Review
Game Review: CAS1 Cairn of the Skeleton King
If you have ever played Advanced Dungeons and Dragons the name of Robert J. Kuntz is known to you. Recently, Robert J. Kuntz formed a new company, Pied Piper Publishing, to print new adventures for “Advanced FRP Games.” Many years ago, Creations Unlimited, Inc. published several works by Robert J. Kuntz. These works used an…
Game Review: Mr. Bigshot
Packaging a CD with a game is nothing new – Quest of the Dragonlords added the instructions for their game on CD, and a few other games have followed suit. Mr. Big Shot (Mr. Big Shot, Inc., 2003 – Courtney Tudor) however, comes with a CD version of the game included. So when purchasing it,…
Game Review: Stock Rush! A Week on Wall Street
I’m always on the lookout for games that help teach the intricacies of the stock market for my Consumer Math class at school. Stock Rush! A Week on Wall Street (Stock Rush, Inc., 2005 – Morris Kyrollos) is a game that was designed with this specific purpose in mind. It’s a game that uses the…
Game Review: Dividends
In discussions regarding games that accommodate eight players most people just advocate splitting up into two four-player groups. There are just very few games that accommodate more than six players that aren’t party games. Any game, therefore, that advertises that it can handle more than seven players always catches my attention. Dividends (Fun Factory Games,…
Game Review: Venus Needs Men
Venus Needs Men! (Synelix Games, 2006 – John L. Velonis) sounds like the name of a really bad “B” movie, and the artwork on the box cover does nothing to dissuade one from that. But I’m always on the lookout for games in the space genre; and therefore, it wasn’t hard to tempt me into…
Game Review: Margin for Error
On the onset, Margin for Error (Sagely Games, 2006 – Dean Seiji) looked rather unassuming. It’s a trick taking game with rather plain looking cards in a plain looking box. Reading the rules didn’t really do much more for me, as it looked like an unimaginative, typical trick-taking game. But I’ve seen games that didn’t…
Game Review: BattleLore
BattleLore (Days of Wonder, 2006 – Richard Borg) is the fourth installment in his Command Colors system, following BattleCry (the Civil War), Memoir ’44 (World War II), and Commands and Colors: Ancients (Punic Wars). BattleLore takes the tried and true light war game and adds a fantasy setting, complete with magic and monsters. But it’s…
Game Review: Britannia
Britannia (Fantasy Flight Games, 2006 – Lewis Pulshiper) is actually a reworking of the same game designed in 1986. Mr. Pulshiper stated that the new FFG is simply a fine tuning of the system with few major changes. Having never played the older Avalon Hill game, I was still intrigued to give this game a…
Game Review: Kung-Fu Fighting!
Sometimes you don’t feel like sitting down with a heavy game but you don’t want something too lite either. At times like these, I pull out Slugfest Game’s Kung-Fu Fighting game!This game came out in 2004 and has been going strong ever since.Slugfest Games describes the action thusly:In this fast paced, exciting card game, you…
Movie Review: Happy Feet
I took my family to see the new movie “Happy Feet” this past Sunday.Let me start out by saying the CG animation was excellent. There were only a few portions in the movie where I noticed some bad artifacting in regards to the animation.There are a few scenes with “real” people in them and they…
Game Review: Quadrovex
Here is another game review by the great Tom Vasel. This time tom reviews a game of my own design: Quadrovex!Carabande is the heaviest game I own, with several boxes full of chunky wooden pieces. Quadrovex (Stephen de Chellis, 2005 – self published) which is a smaller game, still comes close to challenging Carabande in…