Nintendo has just released some new screen shots and information on the American release of Pokemon Battle Revolution! With a release date of June 25, 2007 and 1-4 player battle modes (I'm not sure about 3 player) it's looking like time to start hunting for those pre-order deals.
This new game takes place on the island of Poketopia. There are 10 different Colosseums to battle in. Some of the Colosseums are only unlocked after you beat earlier ones. The objective is to win all the Colosseum battles and become the Poketopia Master.
Along with battling you can also customize your avatar (or trainer) in different ways.
When playing in multi-player mode (local) each player uses their own DS as the controller. Players can also use the Pokemon they have collected in their Diamond and Pearl games. The Pokemon themselves do not actually move to the Wii, they are only copied.
In regards to copying, when you pick the Pokemon you want to use in Pokemon Battle Revolution , they become part of your Battle Pass. You can then save your personal Battle Pass onto your Wii-remote. This allows you to bring your Pokemon to a friends house without needing your DS. I'm not sure how useful that is but, if you have multiple DS Pokemon game cartridges and only one DS it could prove useful.