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I purchased this game over the weekend after buying ExciteBike and realizing that some games are only great in memories. Yes, ExciteBike is not as cool as I remember it having been.

Each unit also gets one attack per turn. A unit's attack and defense power ratings are modified not only by the terrain both attacker and defender are in but also the proximity of other units. In other words, a weak unit can take out a powerful one if it has plenty of support units with it. Yes, you can surround and destroy enemy units with ease!
I have only been playing the game versus the computer opponent and I'm beginning to think that there is a distinct advantage on going first due to the fact that in every battle I have been able to destroy one or two enemy units before the enemy can react. I can see myself getting very frustrated in a two player game if I see my opponent not only drawing first blood but also digging multiple graves for my units!
All in all I enjoy the game. It has a built in tutorial which makes learning the game very easy.
That is the one problem with Virtual Console games on the Wii; lack of a printed manual. I think Nintendo could earn some big points if it made PDFs off all of the VC game manuals available for download.