For the past few days by Acer Aspire One Netbook has been in the hands of my daughter. She's been walking around the house goofing off with it and watching YouTube videos. This evening she asked me to install the NetFlix plugin so that she could watch some of the on demand movies in our NetFlix queue.
The first thing I did was fire up Internet Explorer and go to the NetFlix site to download the plugin.
Because my daughter is using a user account and not an admin account I had to enter my admin password during the installation process.
The plugin install went just fine but then Netflix told me that I needed to update my copy of Media Player. After a 24MB download Windows 7 informed me that the software I was downloading was older than the software that is already installed. Figuring that NetFlix was simply confused I rebooted the machine.
Sadly the version of Media Player that ships with the Windows 7 beta is not compatible with the NetFlix plugin for Internet Explorer. Downgrading is also not an option.
If watching on demand movies from your NetFlix account is important