I've been writing articles on investing and stock scams for a while on here but, I think it is time they got their own blog.
Over the next few days I will be moving (and writing redirects) for all of the investing articles I have on here. They will all be moving to Scam Stocks.
Why am I doing this now? Well, to be honest I have wanted to put those articles on their own domain for a while now but most of the names I came up with were already taken. When I was checking domains the other day I found that stockscams.com was taken but, scamstocks.com was not! It may not be the best domain name but it is good enough for now.
Since I have a large collection of articles on investing and stock scams here it is no small effort to move them all to the new blog and write some redirect code into my .htaccess file.
By the end of the week all of the articles should be moved over. If the world of investing and stock scams interest you then why not head on over there and read my new content as it is written!