Today I got this in my email. I talk to a lot of army folks so I was almost caught off guard...
My name is Jean Hossan, employed to work in Iraq as a language translator. I am attached to 1st BN, 68th Amour Reg, 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry and I worked directly under Staff Sergeant Sanchez Virrueta A as an interpreter. As you aware, we are being attacked everyday by insurgents through hostile fire and car bombs.
In April 2003, I and some other crew members in my team discovered $650M USD in Saddam Hussein's palace. The discovery was immediately assigned to Staff Sergeant Sanchez under whom I was serving for inspection and verification. In the process of cross-checking the
funds, I and my unit head managed to move away a total sum of US$12 Million dollars cash out of the $650MUSD, mostly 100-dollar bills and was quickly flown out of the war zone as a military cargo. The cargo was later disguised and declared as personal military effects before
it was flown to Europe where it is now deposited in an undisclosed FINANCE, SECURITY & TRUST COMPANY in Europe.
The arrangement was handled by me and Staff Sergeant Sanchez Virrueta A. You can as well click on the site below for more details about the source of the funds. The site will give you a bit of idea of our operation and how I came about the fund though the security & finance company where the cash consignments are deposited is not aware of all this information.
Unfortunately, Staff Sergeant Sanchez Virrueta A lost his dear life through hostile fire from the wicked Iraqi insurgents. I therefore seek your partnership in claiming and receiving the cash consignments from the finance and security firm where the cash consignments are
deposited for safety for possible investments on viable businesses of mutual beneficial interest.
I will take 60% while you are going to be entitled to 40% for your participation and assistance. . Upon your response, I will send you the full details of the Security & Trust Company in whose custody the funds are lodged as well as the modalities of claiming and receiving the cash consignments.
But you must assure me and demonstrate it that you can be trusted as I need your unwavering assurances.Please reconfirm your full names, address and direct phone number immediately so that I can submit the information to the finance firm where the cash consignments are deposited for change/transfer of ownership in your favor to enable you claim and receive the funds. I
promise you that there is no risk on both sides as far as you follow my instructions and take my advice. The transaction will be concluded under a legitimate arrangement.I want to assure you that this is going to be very confidential and strictly between both of us.
Respectfully yours,
Jean V.Hossan
Everyone has heard all the stories by now of lost millions over in Iraq. Big pallets of shrink-wrapped $100 bills! Be prepared for more of these letters to begin circulating around the Internet.
You might notice some of the interesting dates and the mash-up of facts.
The airlifts of shrink-wrapped cash occurred long after April 2003. The writer has cleverly taken two high profile events and attempted to merge them together, if only they had a calendar!
Also, for a language translator this guy's English is worse than mine!