It's been a long time coming but I have now moved into my new WordPress blog.
All of the old posts have not been completely moved over but, I did manage to find something that helped ease the transition from Serendipity to WordPress.
I would like to use this post to thank Aaron Brazell for his excellent Serendipity to WordPress import plugin. Though it was not perfect it helped me save a lot of time.
I had almost 300 posts in my old Serendipity blog and with the use of his plugin I was able to move the bulk of them (and comments) over to the new blog.
There is one thing that does need to be addressed in this plugin and that is the fact that Serendipity allows a user to store an entry in two sections. This plugin does not pull in the extended text, a feature I used often.
Just give me a few days and I should have everything up to snuff... Then I just have to write some redirects...