I missed the Lost episode last Wednesday because my DVR decided not to record it. Even though I have the show set to tape every episode it failed to record last week. Last night I watched both episodes at once and boy have things gotten interesting!
We found out a few things about the island and it looks like we will find out even more things next week. No questions were really answered but a few new questions did pop-up.
Spoiler Warning
Early on a lot of fans speculated that the survivors were all dead and living in some sort of purgatory. The producers came out and debunked that theory. After watching last nights show we learned that Locke's dad came to the island after being injured in an auto accident. While on his way to the hospital he seems to have died and then woken up on the island.
We also found out that Locke's dad is the same Tom Sawyer that Sawyer has been looking to kill since he was a kid. If memory serves me right Sawyer killed Jack's dad in Sydney after mistaking him for the man that destroyed his family. Well, he was actually setup to kill Jack's dad by someone else but, that is old news.
The woman who parachuted in was saved by the one-eyed man. Can no one stay dead on this island? When she became coherent she began telling the Losties that the wreckage of the Oceanic flight 815 was found and everyone died.
Now, I've never heard of anyone jumping out of a helicopter with a parachute before. Wouldn't the blades kill you? Perhaps she is also dead now?
Ben is almost fully recovered now. He told Locke that just being near him made the healing speed up. Is Locke some sort of focal point for healing on the island now? With him in the camp of the "Others" will the Losties find their powers of healing diminish?
The producers have stated that they want to end the show at some point, probably in the fourth season. It looks to me as if a lot of the early questions about the island are about to be answered before season three ends. Will there be a season four?
What about Desmond? He tried to leave the island and no matter which way he sailed he always came back.
What about the one-eyed man being alive again? Did the woman he shot also come back to life? Could that explain why she told him to kill her?
A few weeks ago I thought everything was leading in one specific direction, now I'm just as Lost as I was during season one!
What the heck is going on?