This time I am turning my sights on The Answer May Surprise You, a blog with a long name that has only recently left Blogspot to make it on its own. It's always a wonderful thing when a blogger decides to hit the road and get their own domain name. Why would anyone want to help a big corporate blogging outfit profit on your work? If you have not yet purchased your own domain to blog from you should stop reading and go out and do it now!
Right off the bat I'm a bit confused. They have their own domain name but it looks like they are still hosted on Blogspot. Oh, my mistake, they are now hosted on Blogger! OK, what is the point of buying your own domain and using it with Blogger? Sorry, I don't get it. Maybe I'm just too old school for this...
On to the posts!
You don't think I just walk into these reviews cold, do you? Of course not, I warm up with a few holes of Super Swing Golf first!
- My Top five posts
- Q: Worst Internet porn search ever? - This one gets me because a common search term that brings people to is "sex video". I have no idea why this is, but it is.
- Q: What's on your mind? - When the news of the day is more about what's not the news of the day.
- Q: How do I rip off the CoinStar machine that keeps ripping me off? - Coverage of the iTunes music card CoinStar hack.
- Q: What's sadder than being alone on Valentine's Day night? - You too can find out which super hero is your Valentines Day match! I took it and got Scarlet Witch as my true Super Hero love!
- Q: Don't kids say the darnedest things? - Of all the pictures I have seen of John Edwards this is the only one that makes him look older while trying to make him look younger.
The thing about this blog is that it is zany. Reading it gives me the feeling the writers were either born when SNL was still good or wrote for SNL when it was still good. Either way it is a refreshing read.
Yes, the writers slant to the left but they are funny about it. I don't cover politics here on HMTK (for the most part) simply because you end up alienating half of your readers. These guys make fun of politicians and they do it in a way that elicits a laugh rather than a groan.
That's it. I'm heading back to my Wii now, I just got ExciteBike and I'm enjoying the old 8-bit goodness!