Today was the open house day at camp and I was in charge of the camp store. What a day! I am so tired...
We did most of the setup (tents and tables) on Saturday but I still had to stock the camp store for open house on Sunday. My daughter "helped" me a little bit but after a while I found she was more useful as a gopher.
Don't know what a "gopher" is? Let me give you a hint, "Hey kid, can you go and get me this thing for the store?" Understand me know?
Most of the store setup involved me opening up boxes that had not been opened since camp last year and arranging the items on tables. That was the easy part. The hard part was figuring out how to price some items.
See, it's one thing when an item is obvious, such as a bandana. The hard part is when you have ten different types of necklaces and none of the descriptions are very descriptive! In the end I just had to guess on some items.
While I was busy pricing a huge torrential rain storm hit. Because this was about the same time as parents and kids began showing up I had a lot of people in the store. Seeing my store full of "customers" I began to sell! I sold a lot.
One of our best items was picked by a staff member. It is this bizarre slingshot monkey that screams as he flies through the air.
You put two fingers in these little pockets in his hands and then you pull back hard on his tail. His arms stretch out and when you let go he flies through the air screeching the entire time. Yes, the kids loved it as did the parents. I expect to sell out of them by tomorrow evening.
This will probably be the last post I write until next weekend. Camp is taking up all of my time. The blog will not be inactive though as I have a few guest blogging posts lined up. If you want to try your hand at guest blogging just drop me an email.