The discussion continues to revolve around the Top Submitters on Digg. Persons such as p9s50W5k4GUD2c6 are at the top of the current list but Albertpacino is the man on top of the "all time" list and he has clearly not removed his user icon.
The real question may not be "What are the Top Submitters doing now?" Perhaps we should be asking, "Who are the Top DIGGERS today?"
That question yields a far different answer.
Why is someone a top digger and not a top submitter? Well, maybe, rather then submit duplicate stories these people prefer to keep Digg uncluttered?
Here is the current top 5 list of Diggers as of 12:44PM EST 9/12/06
1) Bryan
2) StephnDolenc
3) keffrin
4) newrad
5) Frytrix
These are the REAL Top Diggers on Digg. They deserve the accolades of the rest of the members of Digg.
I have not heard any of the above members complain in a Blog post or otherwise about the new system of front paging storys. I don't think they even care.
If you want to talk about the most actively involved members of Digg then you should look at who has left the most comments on Digg. I'll list the Top 5 Digg Commenters here:
1) thenativeraver
2) WackyT
3) Lumiras
4) OBKenobi
5) BugMeNot2
Hmmm... Very interesting. No one in the two above lists is a top submitter on Digg. Does that make them any less valuable to the Digg community? I say a very loud NO!!!
Digg is community driven. It is not driven by the whims of 5 or 10 "top" users. If one "top" user drops out someone else will quickly fill their space.
I know I have had countless times where I prepare to submit a story and after a quick search I find a "top" submitter has beaten me by a few minutes. What do I do? I Digg their story rather then submit a dupe.
Let's stop the fighting and ranting and blaming Digg for changing their system. At least they are letting us know what is going on and not just doing a midnight code update.
If you suddenly feel marginalized because the path to the front page just got a little bit harder then perhaps the method you use to front page stories needs to change. If you have been submitting stories and a wide base of members have been promoting them then you have nothing to fear, your stories will continue to be on top.
That's the end of my rant.
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