New Auto-Bury Feature
Yes indeed, it's a new feature!
That is just my short list.
So, what do these blogs have in common?
With the exception of the last three, all of these blogs have been covering the recent Digg fiasco about the uncovering of the Bury Brigade. Some of those same sites have also covered Digg in the past in a "constructive criticism" manner.
As to the other three, I'm not sure why they are being targeted though the last two were once banned from Digg.
Why should I care?
You should care because Digg trumpets itself as a place where people can post items of interest to them and share. Digg also claims to be a Democracy yet only half of it's voting system is open to public inspection (you can see diggs but not buries). We do not know if this 'auto-bury' feature truly is the voting public making a choice or something else.
I do not want to see Digg to continue to spiral into an abyss where stories are controlled by the tyranny of a small minority! Enough folks have already covered how bad it is in the political areas of Digg with campaign operatives consistently burying stories that paint their candidate in an unflattering light or show their opponent in a good light.
What can I do?
The best thing you can do is email Digg Support or their Feedback people and ask them about this. If they get enough email from members they may take the problem seriously and give us some options.
What sort of options?
- Allow members to have a list of sites that they want to never see stories from.
- Allow members to always see buried stories.
- Have Digg enforce a policy where if a user consistently buries a particular site their buries will no longer count against that site.
Please comment below.
PS: Don't bother submitting this to Digg, I'm on the list...