Do these bloggers not want people to comment?
Do they understand that blogging is all about communicating with your readers?
GRRRrrrrrr. It just drives me mad!
Just a little while ago I was cruising through some blogs that cover the Tv show Heroes. I like Heroes and I've even blogged a little bit about it.
This particular blog was hosted on blogspot. I have issues with blogspot hosting as it is but this is not the time and place for that discussion! I tried to leave a comment and, after writing it, I scrolled down to input my contact information and I find that this particular blogger only allows people with a google login to post comments!
Granted I do have a Google login but, I never use it for blogging purposes. I only use it for email and AdSense and I only use it from one computer, my home computer!
This is just one example of the many hurdles I have been faced with while trying to leave a comment. Do you know what I do when faced with these hurdels? I surf away. I never go back.
- Common comment leaving hurdles:
- Have to subscribe to the web site
- Google login
- Math question
I can deal with a CAPTCHA as long as the image is readable. Same with the math question. These are not insurmountable hurdles and I have no problem with them. The first two though...
Making me becomes a subscriber to your site just to leave a comment is a terrible way to gain a following on your blog.
I have a very simple comment system here on HMTK. Your first comment is moderated and every comment after that is not. I do go back and edit the occasional comment if it is spam or full of swear words but that is it.
See, I want people to comment on my blog. I value and trust my readers.
So please, drop some comments.