The hit combination of Wii Sports and the Wii Remote brought golf swings and tennis serves into people's homes. Now Nintendo turns the living room into a fitness center for the whole family with Wii Fit and the Wii Balance Board. Family members will have fun getting a "core" workout, and talking about and comparing their results and progress on a new channel on the Wii Menu.

Lean to block soccer balls, swivel hips to power hoop twirls or balance to hold the perfect yoga pose. As users stand on the Wii Balance Board, included with Wii Fit, their body's overall balance is tied to the game in a way they've never experienced before.

- Body Mass Index (BMI): A weight evaluation based on a ratio of weight to height.
- Wii Fit Age: The Wii Fit Age is measured by factoring the user's BMI reading, testing the user's center of gravity and conducting quick balance tests.

I don't know about you but I'm eagerly looking forward to this. It's amazing how the Wii is changing the way we look at gaming consoles. Who would have imagined that a sedentary activity such as playing video games would lead to such healthy living games?