I'm not talking about how old as in "when did you start blogging?" No, I am talking about how old as in what form does your content take?
Every blog goes through stages of life. Some go from birth to death and disappear while others return like a phoenix and burst back onto the scene with renewed energy and life. So, which age group does your blog belong to?
This is the stage when everything is fresh and new. You blog about the shoes you are wearing and the color of paint you want when you buy that new car next week. You fill your posts with untouched photographs of you and your friends and your topics wander all over the place.
Many blogs only last a month or two at this stage before the creator tires of it and goes back to doing something else. If they persevere they move on to the next age.
This is the stage where you still cover multiple topics with no real rhyme or reason (except the one that echoes inside your own head) and you post all the time. Reading your blog at this stage is like watching a small child running with scissors after being fed a case of Red Bull. It's not exactly pretty but at least it's not your kid!
Eventually the sugar-induced rush either wears off and the blog fades or you move on to the next age.
You no longer post five new articles a day nor do you post un-cropped images. It is at this stage of blog life that you begin to realize that someone other than your friends might be reading your blog. It surely would not do for your boss to see that picture of you hanging off that keg of beer from that big frat party in college!
Because you no longer see yourself as a kid you try to tackle more important topics and current events. You think you are real smart and quick by commenting on current events stories with your own inflated opinions. You whine and moan about those bastards in social media who always bury your site. You begin to think that you can make a living at this strange blogging thing. Then you wake up and enter the next age.
You've thrown away the idea of being a millionaire by years end. You have come to realize that blogging really is hard work. You can't just write some quick post about dirty gym socks anymore. Oh no, now you have to really think up good strong content to keep your readers happy.
You experiment with direct ad sales and make a few dollars. Not enough to blog full time but enough to keep you going and chasing the dream.
You also cut down on the number of topics you cover and focus on two or three areas. You begin to become quit good at covering these areas and many people continue at this age for a long time. Others make the mistake of entering the next age.
Old Age
Much like an infant you begin to blog about all sorts of off the wall things. Your blog loses all focus and you only blog when you remember to. Your readers have no idea what is going on and many dump you from their RSS reader. Eventually your blog either dies or is reborn like a phoenix into one of the earlier ages.
How about you?
So, what age do you think your blog falls into? What about this one?