I was just checking my profile on Digg and I was surprised to see that I have jumped into the Top 500 users on Digg!
It's been a long haul getting this far but what really surprised me is the fact that you only need to get 12 stories pegged to the home page to be in the Top 500!
You can see my Digg profile here and I invite you to add me as your friend.
Now that I am in the Top 500 listing, does this mean my stories will hit the home page with less Diggs? My 12th story to make it to the home page did it with only 34 Diggs. This may be because it was in the lighter category of "Gaming News" rather than the Tech area.
The break points for each grouping are as follows (as of today):
13 stories = 438
14 stories = 397
15 stories = 369
16 stories = 340
17 stories = 309
18 stories = 296
19 stories = 269
20 stories = 254
21 stories = 240
22 stories = 231
23 stories = 224
24 stories = 217
25 stories = 207
26 stories = 201
27 stories = 194
28 stories = 182
29 stories = 177
30 stories = 172
31 stories = 164
32 stories = 158
33 stories = 153
34 stories = 148
35 stories = 144
36 stories = 135
37 stories = 126
38 stories = 122
39 stories = 119
41 stories = 117
42 stories = 113
43 stories = 111
44 stories = 109
45 stories = 107
46 stories = 106
47 stories = 104
48 stories = 103
49 stories = 101
50 stories = 99
51 stories = 97
53 stories = 95
54 stories = 93
55 stories = 89
56 stories = 85
58 stories = 83
59 stories = 81
61 stories = 80
62 stories = 79
63 stories = 77
64 stories = 76
68 stories = 75
71 stories = 73
72 stories = 72
75 stories = 71
76 stories = 70
77 stories = 69
79 stories = 68
80 stories = 67
81 stories = 66
87 stories = 65
88 stories = 64
90 stories = 63
96 stories = 61
Once you get past the 61st spot on the list the count gaps between home page numbers gets large. What you will quickly notice when perusing the Top Diggers List is that breaking into the Top 100 is hard enough, but climbing through the Top 50 is near impossible!
It's also interesting to note that the current Top Digg User has been befriended by 1192 users!
In fact, all of the Top Ten Top Diggers have been befriended by at least 400 users, eight out of ten have been befriended by 500 or more!
Getting friend data is not so easy on Digg so I'm not about to do a big article on it, unless I break a leg and I'm stuck in the hospital or something along those lines!