SUPPORT S.156 / H.R. 743
S.156 and H.R. 743, the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act of 2007, would ensure that states do not tax Internet access services, regardless of the technology used to provide them. The bills would also permanently extend the ban against multiple and discriminatory taxes on electronic commerce. Without this moratorium, some state and local governments could view Internet access as a target for additional tax revenues, as evidenced by the high level of taxes imposed upon other communications services and the attempts by some states to circumvent existing law by taxing the communications backbone used to provide retail Internet access service. Preventing the taxation of Internet access is critical if Congress wishes to advance its bipartisan goal of ubiquitous broadband deployment and affordable Internet access for all Americans.
If you want to keep the Internet tax free then I suggest you contact your representatives in government and voice your concerns. I could provide links for this but elected officials ignore canned emails and messages that come from the same place. Do a little bit of leg work and find out who your representatives are and contact them. If nothing else you will become a part of the political process and a better citizen.
PS: Even Google, Amazon and at&t are on the same side of this issue.
For more information on this issue please look over the Don't Tax Our Web website.