Tales abound of many notable adventures who traveled across the frozen north. Mark of the Five Blades, Trevor of the Shadow Stalkers, or even Matilda of the Seven Waltzes. None are as commonly overlooked as Mako of the Four Dubloons.
Mako was about as average as average comes when talking about adventurers. He was not of an exceptional size or strength. His looks were neither handsome nor ugly. Even among his adventuring companions he was often overlooked. This is not to say he was incapable of greatness, for he was. In fact he participated in many great adventures and retired wealthy and healthy, a not too common accomplishment for those who traveled the frozen north.
Mako’s ability to vanish into the background was not based on a special skill he acquired, it was based on an item he owned. It was Mako’s Shield of Reluctance that allowed him to escape the notice of friend and foe alike.
This small round shield did not look any different than any other small shield employed by soldiers or mercenaries however it did contain one very special property that Mako utilized to the fullest. It surrounded him with a small field that caused all around him to avoid him. Those who tried to interact with him, whether for beneficial or baneful purposes, felt a strong reluctance to do so.
Major Power: Mako’s Shield of Reluctance emits a field 20’ in diameter centered around the bearer and affects all within this sphere of influence. The field causes all who wish to interact with the wearer in any way, shape, or form to pass a Wisdom check in order to do so. If they fail they will perceive the user of the shield as not being worth the effort. On a critical save failure they may even assist the user of the shield in some way related to the interaction.
In a fight, a critical failure may lead the attacker to instruct their associates not to attack the user of the shield or even briefly defend the user of the shield. When haggling the critical fail may lead to the user of the shield being given an amazing deal or some free stuff because the other party simply feels sorry for them.
A normal save failure causes the other party to do their best to avoid all contact with the user of the shield. They will not willingly attack them nor will they willingly engage in any sort of conversation or trade. Avoidance will be their goal.
Even on a successful Wisdom check the attacker will feel a strong sense of guilt and suffer a -1 penalty on to hit and damage against the user of the shield. In the case of non-combat encounters the other party will be sympathetic in a ‘help the poor lost puppy’ sort of way.
In the case of long term companions they receive a cumulative +1 on their Wisdom save for every day in the company of the shield bearer. After being in close company for 20 days they are no longer affected by the shields magic.