Sometimes real life is better than a reality show!
It seems that Paris Hilton was dragged back to the court house after her overnight slumber party at home. She was then sent back to jail to complete her 45 day sentence.
The hearing was requested by the city attorney's office, which had prosecuted Hilton and wanted sheriff Baca held in contempt for releasing Hilton despite Judge Sauer's express order that she must serve her time in jail.
It turns out that the sheriff sent her home due to an unspecified "medical condition" a condition that the judge was told about but never sent paper work for. During the day in court the judge continually interrupted Hilton's attorney, pointed to the clock and asked where the medical documents were.
Eventually he just sent her back to jail, pointing out that to do otherwise sends the message that people who are famous or who have money are above the law.
Paris cried throughout the proceedings and was lead away in tears. Through out the proceedings she kept turning to her parents and telling them "I love you," as if she were going to the chair.
Well, I guess jail is like the chair for someone as soft as Paris Hilton. How rude could those cops be? They even dragged her away from her "house arrest" before she had time to put her make-up on! The nerve of some people, don't they know who she is? I mean she did offer to attend the trial by phone!
It's only 45 days Paris and it's not like you'll be spending your time in Sing Sing! Think of it as a mini-vacation.