Steve (Disco-Man)
Now isn't this nicer than a notebook?
Remember O-T-H-E-R
- Kristin (Lucretia)
Xmas 1989
P.S. - I want to see this book in 1999!
I was not able to show her the book in 1999 but that is a story for a different day.
I never did fill the entirety of the book but I did fill about half of it. See, when I wrote in High School I used a beat up canvas style notebook. The pages were all three-hole punched and there were a few pockets inside. The cover had a bunch of short quotes and small doodles on it. It was called The Book of the Disco-Man after a nickname I acquired in the same High School.
No, it was not a nickname earned for my dancing abilities (of which I have none) but from a mispronunciation of my last name. Many other people in school also had nicknames given by the same person. They were never mean or bad nicknames, they were just names that this one person used to better remember who everyone was.
The purple book was titled "The Book of the Disco-Man Volume II" and I'm going to print the first bad poem I wrote in it here. I will then follow up with more bad poetry from this forgotten book.
Poem of the First Part
It's raining in my closet
and it's snowing in my shoes.
I can't get a date
so I'm singing the blues.
My left side's cold
and my right side's hot.
I've got countless scars
from all the battles I've fought.
Split in half
and torn asunder
are some of the pains
my brain is under.
'Cause I've got a headache
that really hurts a lot.
From trying to think of poems
to fill this book I just got!
- 2/16/90 2:59 PM My Room
There you have it, some bad poetry. Stay tuned for more bad poems!