Now that I have become a member of MyBlogLog and built a small community around this blog I find myself writing a wish list. A wish list of things I want to be able to do with MyBlogLog.
1) Better visitor tracking of other members - At this time MyBlogLog will show me who has recently visited my blog among the greater MyBlogLog membership. What I would like is to know is what other MyBlogLog members are doing on my blog.
Are they only going to the home page?
Are they searching for older content?
Is their a particular story than is sparking their interest?
Did they find my blog via MyBlogLog, type in the URL or just find it via a search engine?
MyBlogLog does give me a lot of good information (I'm a paid member) and that information does help me see what my readers are interested in but, I still want more information.
2) Better RSS integration - Right now I have to visit each community I am a member of to see what the new posts are. I would like to have a "My Communities" page that mashes up all of the RSS feeds from my communities into one big fat feed.
It would be so much easier, for me, if I could find out what's new from all of the communities I am a member of. When you are only a member of a few communities it's easy to jump around to all of the sites. Once you become a member in 10+ communities it gets harder.
3) Better author/co-author system - I would like to be able to mark myself as the lead author on my blog and mark my co-authors as co-authors. Movies give top billing to the lead talent why not MyBlogLog?
I have multiple authors who write for my blog but I don't want all of them to have the power to mess around with the settings or visitor information. What happens if I have a falling out with one of my authors and I want to remove them? I can't! You can only remove yourself.
What if one of my authors has their account hacked? There should be levels of authorship. I can set one of my authors to not be able to publish content on my blog and I suspect this makes me a lead editor. Can I please get this level of functionality out of MyBlogLog?
4) Revamp the "what's hot in my communities" section - I see far too many porn links popping up in some of these hot lists. I would like to be able to insure some "questionable" links do not show up in my hot list.
5) Community comment widget - I like the widget that shows which MyBlogLog members have recently viewed my blog. What I would like even more is to be able to add a widget to my web site that shows recent comments made on my blog's community page.
6) Community suggestions - I would like a small area on my personal profile page that would show a list of communities my friends have marked as worthy of my looking at. I say friends and not contacts because I do not want this to be come an opening for spammers to promote their junk.
I like the social aspects of MyBlogLog and being able to tell my friends about an interesting community would be a nice feature.
7) Tags - I would like to be able to search for communities based on tags.
That's all I have for now. I do like MyBlogLog and what it offers me; I just want to see it get better!
As always, your comments are welcome.