I now have a dedicated server. Yup, it's all mine! which also means the problems are all mine too.
"What kind of problems," you ask?
Well, I moved the first site over last night. It is a low traffic blog so I figured that would be the "testing" site I would use to make sure everything on the server is working the way it should be.
Setting up the domain and doing the DNS work was simple enough. I built a domain template and a user account. I fiddled around with the Plesk control panel. I built and destroyed databases. I built and destroyed domains. I was having fun just playing with all the power at my disposal!
"What kind of problems," you ask again?
Setting up the domain and DNS entries was very easy. Moving all of the files over via FTP was also easy. Creating the database and populating it from a backup of the old database was also easy. Trying to figure out why the site is slower than a snail is not so easy.
The site in question uses WordPress. According to WordPress.org all I need to do to move to a different server is move the files and make any db changes in the config file. No problems there, so why is the site dogging?
I loaded up some basic html files into another directory and everything works fast.
I put another php/mysql program in a different directory on the server and it also worked fine except for one file that would not load. I think that may be related to WordPress and the mod_rewrite rules in the .htaccess file because something similiar happened on another site I own.
So now I'm sitting here scratching my head and wondering why the WordPress install is taking 30-45 seconds between page loads.
This may be a long weekend for me.
image from flickr user plutor used under CC license