On the back of the box is a symbol indicating you will need two Wii-remotes. There is also DS connectivity as long as you also have a Diamond or Pearl game in your DS.
- Save Games
- 29 Blocks of Wii system memory are needed to save the game.
- Up to four save game files.
- You can not move the save game information to an SD card.
I was worried that they would only allow for one save game (as was standard on the Game Cube RPG games) so I am glad to see that up to four save games will be allowed. Not being able to move the save file to an SD card means don't bother looking online for hacked save games.
- Colosseum Mode
- Use rental Pokemon or Pokemon 'copied' from your DS games.
- Multiple colosseums all over Poketopia.
- Customizable Battle Passes.
- Transfer a Battle Pass to your Wii-Remote memory.
- Copied Pokemon also keep their held items.
- Copied Pokemon remain in the DS game (think of it as a clone being made).
- You can battle against 'friend passes' even hen they are not online.
- Playable with the Wii-Remote.
The Colloseum Mode is very much like the older Pokemon stadium games from the N64 days. Pokemon do not gain experience while battling and you don't lose them from your cartridge. It looks like it copies ALL of your Pokemon at once, that means ALL of the Pokemon in your cartridge become available for battling!
When battling you can earn something called "Perfect Points". Thse points are earned by beating a trainer and not having any of your Pokemon faint. You can use these points to re-fight a battle you have lost rather than having to fight all the way through that colosseum again. You can't re-fight all battles and you lose the Perfect Points after you defeat that colosseum.
You also earn Poke Coupons when you win battles. These can be redeemed for gear and...
Mystery Gift
Yes, you read that right! You can get (and transfer to your DS) Mystery Gifts in Pokemon Battle Revolution.
You will be using the "Get Via Wireless" option on your DS game to get the Mystery Gift from the Wii. You then pick up the item from the deliveryman in the Pokemon Mart.
- Colosseum Rules
- Lv. 30 Open - opponents Pokemon will be at a minimum of level 30 if your are lower. Otherwise they will all be of a level equal to your highest level Pokemon.
- Lv. 50 all - Everyone becomes level 50.
Some Colosseums only offer the Lv. 30 Open option
- Free Battle / DS Battle Rules
- Anything Goes - well, anything goes!
- Lv. 50 all - as in Colosseum mode.
- Editable rules - customize the battle rules as you see fit.
I'll go into the multi-player battling after I have had a chance to play the game. One thing I did notice is that when battling multi-player over Nintendo WFC Pokemon will use their type name not nickname. This takes car of the problem where people name their Blastoise "Venusaur" and then trounce your Fire Pokemon!