EBGames is offering a special deal if you buy both games as a preorder. Not only do you get the standard bonus styler but you also get a bonus stylus holder. Keep in mind that the Diamond and Pearl Stylus will not properly fit inside of your DS.
If you preorder the games on their own through EBGames you only get the matching Stylus.
Amazon is not offering any sort of preorder deal at this time.
Toys "R" Us
Toys "R" Us is only offering the stylus as a bonus item. If you order the Diamond game game you get the matching stylus, same for Pearl. I have only looked online at Toys "R" Us and I have to say I am surprised. When I picked up my preorder of the Pokemon Rescue games I got a book and a travel bag from the local store.
Pokemon Center

Pokemon Center online has the best preorder deal. Not only do you get the Stylus and the holder but you also get a mini-guide and two pins!
Ordering the games on their own gets you only the mini-guide, one stylus and one pin.
WalMart has also not listed any bonus items on their website.
Do you know of any other preorder deals? If so drop a comment below!