Continuing on with our theme this week of farming out our favorites, today I will be giving away an old staple of mine from back in the Gold/Silver days, Scyther. When I first encountered Scyther in my copy of Gold, I didn't think too much of it: 'Eh, just some bug'. I quickly found out how wrong I was, that there was more to it than being 'just some bug'. The fact that it's dual-type makes it far less vulnerable to Bug-type's usual Achilles' Heel of Flying-type moves, it's high Attack and Speed stats, a diverse move set, and it's very cool evolution into the Bug/Steel type Scizor (a trade evolution with the Metal Coat - a pain but ultimately worth it) very quickly made this one a favorite and a staple of most of my parties!
Unfortunately, in Diamond and Pearl, catching one of these bad boys is easier said than done. First off, you need to have beaten the Elite Four before you can even consider going after it. You need to go to the Battle Area (the little island in the Northeast of the map) and work your way around to Route 229, past all the trainers and the high-level wild Pokemon (all of which are well over level 50), before you can encounter it. Oh, and that's assuming that you're playing a copy of Diamond. If you have Pearl, forget it. However, today, you don't have to go through all of that; instead, I'll be giving away this amazing little Flying Bug for all who want one!
The steps are simple:
- Leave a comment with your name and Trainer code. Make sure the code is correct! If it's not I can't enter it.
- Be in the Wifi Room by 8:00 Eastern/7:00 Central (I'm trying out a later time, see how well it works out).
- Have something to trade. I prefer non-Sinnoh Pokemon, though I will take anything! Also, if it can be holding something, that would be fantastic! I'm trying to collect all of the berries, I currently need berry #s 31, 34, 35, 48, 53, and 58 on up (this list has not been updated - I did get new berries last time, but I immediately planted them and now I don't remember which ones I got). They'd be nice, but they are not necessary.
- Be waiting and ready in Trade mode (Invite -> Trade), and I'll come to you.
- My info is - trainer name: Bott friend code: 2320 2629 3165
There's a chance that I'll be on early, so if you can make it early keep an eye out for me. I look forward to seeing you all there!