Today I'm going to take some time and introduce myself to you and give some general guidelines for the trading I'll be conducting.
First - A little about me: My online handle just about everywhere is the same as it is here - Whitdjinn - it originates from the Magic: the Gathering customizable card game (CCG) which I started playing back in high school some ten plus years ago. As far as online gaming I seem to lean towards the primitive, preferring text based RPG to the ever-popular MMORPGs, and online forum/web based communities to the 'norm' of myspace and the like.
I live in the Midwest - Iowa to be precise, and consider myself to be a quality representative from the region. I do have a wonderful fiance (of 7+ years) who I affectionately call 'The Woman' and a beautiful daughter who just graduated...kindergarten.
I'll leave the bio off there and get to the business at hand - Pokemon Farming.
For my first harvest, I'll be handing out the Kanto starter, Squirtle. This poke was everyone's first exposure to the Water variety pokemon, and most likely remains a favorite among that type even now, 10 years later.
Obviously there is no way to naturally obtain this poke through gameplay in the D/P versions of the game, which is the whole reason I'm doing this - let you play the best version of the game to date, with your favorite starter!
I've been involved with a few of the events Steve has held, so I understand his process. I can say that I'll pretty much stick to what works - at least for now. You'll need to be in the WiFi union room ready with a pokemon you don't care about at a pre-determined time. At this time I'm not going to request any filler items, (I'm no Berry Farmer) so let's open this up to the public. I'm going to have at least 3 parties full of Squirtle to accommodate as many as possible. Hopefully I'll have more than that by the time we get started.
What you need to do:
- Respond with your Trainer Name and Friend Code
- Show up Tonight at 8:00 EST in the WiFi Union Room
- Be Ready (Invite -> Trade) That will put you in 'Trade Mode' so that I can get ahold of you when I'm ready.
My Info:
- Trainer Name: Whit
- Friend Code: 3136 3364 7333
Here's to a successful crop!