My handle here is BryGuy and this is my first time heading one of these Pokemon Farming sessions. I'm from Green Bay, Wisconsin and I've been playing the Pokemon games since the debut of Red and Blue back in 1995. I have always been fascinated by the depth and complexity that is just under the surface of these seemingly simple games. I am a competitive gamer, but I also love sharing knowledge and resources with others. It makes for more fun for everyone. With the advent of the Diamond and Pearl games, the Pokemon RPG excitement has returned. Pokemon gamers are again looking to fill their pokedexes as well as searching to find excellent pokemon to train and grow and add to their team of toughies! That's where we farmers come in!
I have bred a fine batch of Torchics and I am looking forward to sharing them with all of you! Torchic is the fire-type starter from the Ruby and Sapphire games. There is no way to obtain a Torchic in Diamond or Pearl through normal game play other than trading. The Torchics I have bred for this occasion have different sets of learned egg-moves (these are moves that the Pokemon can not learn through leveling-up). Some Torchics have the move night slash, some have the move crush claw, and others have a trio of moves: reversal, counter, and feint. Torchic is a fire type Pokemon, but will evolve into Combusken and Blaziken, which are combination fire/fighting types. Some of these egg-moves may be handy in the Torchic's future!
Here are the rules and procedures for tonight's Farmer's Market:
- Enter my trainer name and friend code into your pal pad. My trainer name is BryGuy and my friend code is 3737 6015 6762.
- Have a Pokemon ready in your party to trade to me. Today I will accept anything but I like to be surprised! Feel free to trade me something you think is cool or unique. It is especially nice if the Pokemon is holding something (berries, items, etc.)!
- Post a comment to this article saying that you would like a Torchic. Make sure you clearly and accurately list your trainer name from your game and your friend code. I will enter as many of these before the Farmer's Market as I can.
- In your game, enter the WiFi Club at 7:00 pm eastern time (6:00 pm central time) on Friday, July 6, 2007.
- When you enter the Wi-Fi zone select the trade option and wait for me to select you.
- If you can, be early. I may be online early.
- Please be patient. This is my first time heading this trading operation. I should have plenty of Torchics. I may have to leave the WiFi Club sometimes to get more Torchics. Please don't panic, I'll return promptly!
- The Farmer's Market will run from 7:00 to 8:00 pm EDT.
- I am only prepared to trade specially prepared Torchics. Please do not ask for other Pokemon. I will not be trading anything other than Torchics tonight. Thanks.
I am looking forward to trading. See you at the Farmer's Market!
- Trainer name: BryGuy
- Friend Code: 3737 6015 6762