Never fear! I have taken some time to write up a quick Speed Linking article for your consumption. Get ready, get set, go!!!
- The Upgrade - Some of my friends and family members have been getting sucked into the world of Windows Vista. This web comic does a good job of explaining what a move to Vista feels like.
- A Technical Guide to Anonymous Blogging - With all of the recent problems hitting the blogging world it is good to know that those who choose to blog anonymously can still do so.
- Phrases you never want to hear during sex - I don't normally cover things of a sexual nature here on the blog but, I'll make an exception for this one.
- Superman's Fortress of Solitude Found - in Mexico! - The title really does say it all.
- Do bloggers really need a "code" - Jim opines a bit on the "blogger code" thing being pushed by O'Reilly. I think O'Reilly is just trying to get a bunch of free back links by having people link to his blogger code.
That is all I got for today. I'm in the middle of a coding project right now so I have not been on the web nearly as much as normal. Never fear though for I am taking all of this week off from work to... to... work around my house!