Ever have one of those days where you find yourself copying and pasting a ton of HTML code into your WordPress install? You’re making excellent progress moving data over and you feel real proud of yourself. Then something goes wrong.The something I am referring to happened to me this evening. See, I never use the…
Tag: Code
How To: Use SQL to read private messages on a vbulletin forum
This applies only to super users who have db access rights. This feature should not be abused. It should only be used in cases of harrasment.A problem that sometimes arises is that of users sending nasty-grams via PM to each other. Unlike some forum software, vbulletin does a good job of keeping private messages private.If…
Redirect old links with PHP
I recently moved my blog from Serendipty to WordPress. During this long process I ran into a brick wall.I had been intending to reuse all of my old URLs and place the new blog in the exact same place as the old blog but I encountered a problem.The Serendipity blog allowed me to use some…