I discovered something this morning about the so-called "bury brigades"
I bury lots of crap that I find on Digg, when I still bother to go there but, this very morning, I was up early and I had Digg Spy loaded up.
What I saw was not a case of mass burying of certain sites though, it was far worse.
I was paying attention to the gaming area of Digg and I noticed something. Certain websites that are always on Digg's home page (in the gaming area) would have an article submitted and then, every other article on the same subject would start being buried. It did not matter which article came first.
This is clearly a case of Digg being gamed by selective use of the bury system and it is something Digg should take care of. They already watch for selective Digging, why don't they watch for selective burying?
Get with the program Digg. It is far easier to game Digg via the bury system than it is via the digg system.
I already know that anything submitted to Digg from my blog will be buried within minutes, though I don't see the buries on Digg Spy (I wonder why that is). Regardless of the state of my blog in the world of buries I feel this is a very important issue for Digg to look at. With the ability to drive tremendous amounts of traffic all over the web Digg needs to insure it is not being gamed, on either end.