Like many bloggers today I have been running the MyBlogLog widget in my sidebar. Have been running...
Over the weekend I noticed that the widget had stopped appearing!
I still have the code in my sidebar and I see that the site tracking is still working yet, it no longer shows up in my blog or any of the blogs I frequently read.
There is nothing to be found on the MyBloLog Blog about this, or anywhere else on the Internet.
Consider the following to be a list of open questions for Eric and company:
1) Why have you not notified your customers of this problem?
2) Do you have any employees who work weekends?
3) Is this going to be an ongoing problem with weekends? The last debacle occurred over a long weekend.
4) How can you expect us to stay with you if your reliability is in question?
UPDATE: As of 7:00AM EST today the widget has begun to show itself again.