To: Digg Staff
Digg has become a slow RSS feed for big media companies. In all honesty anyone could setup an RSS feed with a few of the major internet giants and you would get the news much faster. Digg used to be a great place to find new content, but now it seems that most of the unique content that once made the site great is almost always buried immediately. This petition calls on Digg to open up the data on how stories are buried show who is burying the articles. If you think Digg should open up this information please sign the petition.
The Undersigned
Digg Open Up the Bury Data petition
The petition is correct and points out a problem that I have spoken about (and blogged about) many times. The problem being that digg has become nothing but an RSS feed (with comments) for the major players in the media.
The amount of new content on digg is so small these days that digg is no longer worth using. Every time I see news about a startup on digg it gets buried. Once I even saw a digger submit a link directly to a startup company while another person submitted a link to a news story from one of the tech sites about that startup. Do you know what happened? The link to the startup was quickly buried and the link to the news site hit the home page.
Some people think I am anti-digg because of the things I say, I'm not. I'm a tough-love kind of guy and I want to see digg become useful again.