As a proud member of Gen-X I sometimes find myself scratching my head when reading stories from Millennial gamers. I understand that the hobby has matured. I also agree that some things we did in my younger years are ‘so last century’… I’m not here to poke fun at the nexus of gamer and furry…
Tag: RPG
Looking Back at Dungeons in Dungeons and Dragons
I was recently cruising my news feed when I chanced upon a quick advice column for fiction writers. The question was from a young writer who wanted to write a dungeon delving story and use the Dungeons and Dragons systems as a basis for the plot. The columnist answered that it was a terrible idea…
Review: Wasteland 2
Almost a decade after the game first appeared on Kickstarter, I have finally completed a run through Wasteland 2. This is a game I backed on Kickstarter in 2012, received a physical copy of in 2014, and just completed in 2022. To say this game took a long time for me to play is an…
Consent in Gaming
Recently Monte Cook Games released a free ebook titled Consent in Gaming. This free ebook is designed for modern gamers, I say that because a lot has changed since the 1970’s and the original brown books. In the early days of Dungeons and Dragons the game was predominantly played by men, or boys. There was…
Back in the Saddle Again!
It’s been a long time coming but the day finally happened, or would it be the night finally happened? Regardless of how you want to phrase it, I sat behind the DM screen last night. For years life had simply gotten in the way of running an RPG. Not just events of my own life…
Gaming From The Past: Might and Magic
In 1986 New World Computing published the first game in the Might and Magic series: Might and Magic Book One: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum. The original Apple II version of the game was written almost single-handedly by Jon Van Caneghem over three years. After hooking up with Activision for distribution the game was…
Gamma World: A Failed PBEM
Several years back, after getting out of the service, I tried to reunite with my old gaming buddies via PBEM. It started out OK and quickly fell apart. What follows are the three narratives that evolved from that experiment. Each one is written from the point of view of that character.Dren is a Pure Strain…
Gaming From the Past: Pool of Radiance
Back in 1988 SSI released the first in a series of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons computer games. Pool of Radiance was the first of these games and it is the one I’m going to talk about today.It all started in 1985 when TSR saw the success of the Ultima series of computer games and decided…
Saying Good Bye to a Legend
It is with heavy heart that I report the passing of gaming legend Gary Gygax. The father of the modern RPG industry died today at the age of 69 at his Lake Geneva home.Gary will be missed by all in the RPG world. Without the creation of Dungeons and Dragons and the formation of TSR…
Aces and Eights Tutorials
A few days ago I posted a review of the role playing game Aces and Eights. What I did not know then (and do know now) is that the guys at Kenzer and Company put together some information videos. I present them to you now!Aces and Eights: How to use a Shotgun Aces and Eights:…
Game Review: Aces and Eights
I’m sitting here looking down at the most beautiful role playing game book I have ever laid eyes on. I’m talking about Aces and Eights: Shattered Frontier from Kenzer and Company. Coming in at 400 pages with an embossed leatherish cover this book is heavy and very well laid out. Looking down at the binding…
Dungeons and Dragons
I started playing Dungeons and Dragons way back in the early 80’s. I still remember getting my dad to take me to a B. Dalton bookstore to buy my original basic and expert Dungeons and Dragons sets.I still have some of those original materials but a lot I have sold off over the years. One…