Every three months Google recalculates Page Rank for all of the sites they track. Many people have speculated on what things you can do to help and/or harm your Page Rank. It would seem that I have done something to harm my Page Rank as I have dropped from a five to a three.
I do not know what I have done other than adding more outgoing links to the blog. I have heard that out linking has the ability to bleed off your Page Rank but I never thought it would bleed off this much!
Just the other day I tried using an online Page Rank prediction tool and it showed me going from PR 5 to PR 6. Now it shows me going from PR 3 to PR 6.
Now, please understand that PR is not the be all end all of your web site but it does influence the amount of money you can charge advertisers. It is also a metric used by the new range of sponsored posting companies. My Alexa is still hovering right about 125K with a weekly number in the 40K range so there is some good news out there!
The only other thing I have recently done is move my blog from hmtk.com/blog to hmtk.com. Could Google be penalizing me because the root site is now a blog?
I guess Google does not really love me after all?