I was recently reading an article on Wired about blogs and linking called Parasitology of Blogging.
The premise of the article was that the "A list" bloggers just aggregate what all the "Z list" bloggers are doing. This makes sense to me as a blog such as BoingBoing is nothing more than a big linkback site. The only original content on the site is when an editor comments on a page they are linking to.
Interestingly enough I encountered an article today about the Electrolux NFridge onTechzi that listed another blog as it's source. The source blog Technabob listed another blog as it's source! When I followed the source link to Trendsnow I hit a language barrier. I also did not see another link that could have been a source link.
This got me to thinking. Why did Techzi link to Technabob instead of Technabob's source?
If you were to do some research using Google you wouldn't link to your Google search, would you? So why, in the world of blogging, would you provide a source link to someone who was not the true source of the story?
This is not the first time I have encountered a situation where a blogger links to a source blog who is not the real source of the story. Is it just laziness? Is it because the blogger wants a trackback from the more popular site?
What do you think?