On October 19th, 2009, The 501st Legion and Rebel Legion will take over The Big ‘E’ Final Day Parade in FORCE! This will be the biggest showing of Star Wars characters this event has ever seen!
The Big E, New England's Autumn Tradition and the largest fair in the northeast. It's a New England extravaganza with top name entertainment, major exhibits, The Big E Super Circus, the Avenue of States, New England history and agriculture, animals, rides, shopping, crafts, a daily parade and a Mardi Gras parade and foods from around the world for 17 glorious days during New England's most colorful season.
If you have children, you will not want to miss this event.
For more information on The Big ‘E’, click please goto www.thebige.com
PLEASE BE ADVISED: We love fans of Star Wars and The 501st, but we respectfully ask that folks not follow us after this event. We do have places to go after our events, and non-501st are NOT allowed to go to these places with us as this can cause problems. We hope you understand and enjoy the event!
1305 Memorial Ave
West Springfield, MA 01089
TIME: The Big ‘E’ is an all day event, though the Star Wars characters won’t make their presence known until 5:00.