Listen up everyone. We just received an extra copy of The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena from the publisher and we want to pass it on to you!
Now, in order to make things interesting we have decided to go with a "demotivational" poster making contest. If you want to win this contest you need to take an image of Riddick (from a game, movie, wherever) and turn it into a demotivational poster. The winner will receive a free copy of the game for the PS3. (Don't have a PS3? Most 'big box' stores will allow you to take it back without a receipt and exchange it for the 360 version. Just tell 'em your uncle got it for you or something!)
How To Enter
1. Find a cool image of Riddick. via Google.)
2. Think up a witty thing to write on it.
3. Create the poster using Motivator: Create your own customized motivational poster or a graphics program.
4. Email your entry to me via steve (at) hmtk (dot) com with the Subject of "Riddick Contest".
On Wednesday May 20, 2009 we will pick a winner. That winner will receive a free copy of the game.