It has now been one week since they went live so I went back.
After logging in I went to my 'home' page on their site and found a long list of information.
Overall Stats
Statistic | Total |
Profile Views | 47 |
Profile Comments | 0 |
Profile URL Clicks | 1 |
Profile Avatar Clicks | 0 |
Homepage Avatar Clicks | 7 |
Homepage Username Clicks | 7 |
Badge Clicks | 0 |
Random Member Avatar Clicks | 1 |
Random Member Username Clicks | 2 |
Tag Avatar Clicks | 0 |
Tag Username Clicks | 0 |
Search Avatar Clicks | 1 |
Search Username Clicks | 1 |
New Member Avatar Clicks | 0 |
New Members Username Clicks | 1 |
Backpage Avatar Clicks | 1 |
Backpage Username Clicks | 1 |
Remember, this site has just been up for a week and it was several days before they hit 100 members. With that said it looks like I have benefited from ten clicks. Ten clicks from people who may (or may not) be new readers of my blog.
Be sure to check back at the end of March when I show you what 30 days has done for me.