First, I'd like to start with an introduction. Here, and elsewhere online, I tend to go by the name Robottnik. There's a bit of a long story behind the name (it involves a senile gym teacher in high school who couldn't remember anybody's name), but in a nutshell I got the name from a very good friend who is a big fan of Sonic the Hedgehog. I'm a fan myself, but at heart I've always been, and always will be, a Nintendo fanboy.
I grew up with gaming, starting with the venerable Atari 2600 when I was but a wee lad, graduating to the original NES when it came out, and from there working my way up the generational ladder. I'm a huge RPG fan, which is how I got into Pokemon in the first place, but I'm also big into action and adventure games (Zelda, Metroid and such).
Like Whitdjinn, I hail from the Midwest, though I reside in Illinois, approximately 50 miles from Chicago. I don't have a wife or anything and I am currently enrolled in school earning a Bachelor's Degree in Game and Simulation Programming, which I am greatly looking forward to!
Enough of that. On to the main event
Today, I will be concluding the Kanto Starter trilogy by offering the Fire-type starter, Charmander. Among many people, myself included, Charmander is a staple, with powerful evolutions and a solid moveset. In my humble opinion, the only other Fire-type to come close to this powerhouse is the newest Fire-type starter, Chimchar.
I've participated in Steve's farming events in the past, and I'll be sticking with what works: after all, if it ain't broke, don't fix it! You'll need to make sure you're in the WiFi room by 8:00 Eastern/7:00 Central time, ready to go with a Pokemon that you're willing to trade. I'll take anything, but I'm still working on my Pokedex, so any non-Sinnoh Pokemon will be happily accepted. For the time being, I'm not going to worry about any held items, though in the future I may start looking for berries that I'm missing. That's an item for a different event, however. Today I'll be keeping it simple.
What you need to do:
- Leave a comment below with your Trainer name and code.
- Be in the WiFi Union Room by 8:00 Eastern/7:00 Central time
- Be waiting in 'Trade Mode' (Invite --> Trade) so I can easily select you once I'm ready
My Information:
Trainer name: Bott
Friend Code: 2320 2629 3165
I look forward to seeing everyone there!