A lot of games offer pre-order bonus deals. Some of these are for little chintzy action figures or a special poster. Atari has decided to offer something a bit more tangible for those who choose to pre-order Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena.
There are currently four special pre-order offers from four different retailers:
n1. Amazon - The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena [Download]
Exclusive in-game Commentary Mode for the 2004 classic ‘Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay’ presented by the award winning developer Starbreeze!
Re-live the original Escape from Butcher Bay campaign with hints and tips from the senior designers and programmers who worked on the game. When you play a Commentary Mode ‘Escape from Butcher Bay’ level, there will be symbols that you can select to hear behind the scenes commentary from the developers about the making of the game. Fans of the original 2004 Xbox version will be excited to learn new revelations about the game that they never knew. Gamers who have never had the opportunity to play the original will gain new insight on a cult classic. The Commentary Mode features four and a half hours of exclusive content from the team at Starbreeze!
Map description: “Riots are ripping the slave ship apart. The prisoners have taken control of one of the two vital power chambers. If the next one falls all will be lost! Guard it with your life! Throw the prisoner scum back to the cells, or just blow their heads of… either is fine.”
Capture the Flag - Each team needs to capture the other team flag and bring it home to their base to score. Teams can range in size from 1 vs. 1 to 6 vs. 6. The match ends based on either a capture limit, a time limit, or both. These limits can be set by the host. Capture the Flag is an infinite respawn multiplayer mode.

2. GameStop - The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Exclusive in-game Commentary Mode for the 2004 classic ‘Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay’ presented by the award winning developer Starbreeze!
Re-live the original Escape from Butcher Bay campaign with hints and tips from the senior designers and programmers who worked on the game. When you play a Commentary Mode ‘Escape from Butcher Bay’ level, there will be symbols that you can select to hear behind the scenes commentary from the developers about the making of the game. Fans of the original 2004 Xbox version will be excited to learn new revelations about the game that they never knew. Gamers who have never had the opportunity to play the original will gain new insight on a cult classic. The Commentary Mode features four and a half hours of exclusive content from the team at Starbreeze!
Map description: “Richard B. Riddick is running rampant (or is hiding out) in the sewers below Helion Prime. Hunt him down and claim his bounty!”
Pitch Black - Play as a Mercenary with up to 5 others and hunt down Riddick. When you kill Riddick you become him. All levels are sheathed in darkness, with only weapons and flashlights to see by. Riddick starts in the darkness, the Mercenaries start in a lit room containing shotguns, SMG’s and Assault Rifles. Drop into the darkness to hunt down Riddick. Riddick is armed with the Ulaks and his unique nightvision/eyeshine. The more powerful the Mercenaries weapons are, the weaker the power of the flashlight is.

I know both of these are being offered as exclusive maps but what you need to keep in mind is that some time after the game is released these maps will be made available via DLC. Why do I say that? Because multi-player maps are only useful if everyone has access to them. What good is an exclusive multi-player map if only you have it?
With that said why pay later if you can get one for free today?