If you are planning on attending Origins in 2007 please take note as the Early-Bird Deadline is January 10!You still have time to take advantage of the Origins 2007 Early Bird Registration prices! Until January 10, 2007, a full-show pass to Origins 2007 costs $50. That is a savings of $20 off the onsite price….
Tag: RPG
An Interview with Craig Zipse
When I went to Origins 2005 I met a fellow game designer, Craig Zipse.Craig Zipse is the man behind the Kenzer & Company game The Great Space Race.I’ve been keeping in touch with him ever since then and we have some plans to colaborate on a game design at some point in the future.Catching him…
The Greatest RPG Story Ever Told… in l33t!
This story is written by the same man who brought us:GENCON 2006: Yes, there are girls at game conventions!I present to you, in all it’s wonderous glory:Teh Tru3 S2ry Of Dud31!1!11 Omg DUD3 EVERYONAS FAVORIET LISPNG GNOME HAS PASED ON!!1!! OMG WTF LOL ID LIEK 2 SAY HE IS R3STNG P3AECFULY WIT HIS LORD AND…
Game Review: CAS1 Cairn of the Skeleton King
If you have ever played Advanced Dungeons and Dragons the name of Robert J. Kuntz is known to you. Recently, Robert J. Kuntz formed a new company, Pied Piper Publishing, to print new adventures for “Advanced FRP Games.” Many years ago, Creations Unlimited, Inc. published several works by Robert J. Kuntz. These works used an…
HMTK is up for Ransom!
No, I’m not being held hostage by Russian web hackers!For the past few years I’ve been “selling” some character generation software for the HackMaster RPG from Kenzer & Company.I’ve recently become more involved in other things, one of which is building an addition to my home.Because of this, I no longer have the time to…
Free HackMaster adventure
Read on to get a free HackMaster adventure suitable for character levels 1 – 3.With a small amount of work this could be converted for use with AD&D.You stopped in this small town last night, eager to take a rest from your long journey. The food was good and the beds were warm. You just…
The Keep part 8: Kill the Kobolds and Go Home
Part 8 continues the story…Using the few moments of surprise they have gained they charge straight into your ranks. One of them charges straight for Pedrov but does not manage to hit the man. Another leaps upon Bodewin and slashes viscously at the halfling, cutting a deep gash across his chest. A third one jumps…
The Keep part 7: Enter the Kobolds
In part 7, the party encounters kobolds…One of the trails from the old ogre’s lair leads out of the trees and heads straight for a cave opening that lies just within the canopy of trees along the ravines northern face.Many small tracks are evident in the dirt outside of the cave mouth and many tall…
The Keep part 6: Enter the Caves of Chaos Once More!
Here is part 6…Morning finds the lot of you standing in front of the tavern. Ghordon, Gwynth, Pedrov and Salinor look very refreshed the others look a little tired, especially Bodewin.After a short and inexpensive breakfast the lot of you pass through the front gates and onward to the Caves of chaos.After spending almost two…
The Keep part 5: In the Tavern Again
The second quest begins…Gwynth leans back on her stool, relating to several of the guardsmen the tale of her previous foray into the legendary Caves of Chaos. The drinks and food have been flowing freely for the past few days for her. Everyone has been eager to hear of what befell such a large party…
The Keep part 4: Death Comes to Visit
Part 4 of the Keep series.”Light me a torch and join me Ereptor. And you, the elf, come too. Let us investigate this cave and report what we see.” Says Zoltan in a casual manner.”I think we should all go into the cave together. Here, I’ll go get my lantern,” suggests Corran.Durin thanks Grendel with…
The Keep part 3: The Party’s First Kill
Here is part 3 in the series.Corran kneels on the ground behind a small bush and rummages through his pack for his lantern and tinderbox. You hear a scratching noise as he works on lighting the lantern. All of the adventurers who are outside the cave notice a large creature (8’+) heading out of some…