My StumbleUpon Profile
One of the great things about Stumbling is that you can tell StumbleUpon what sort of sites you want to see and it will deliver them to you in a semi-random manner.
By using the simple thumbs up / thumbs down interface on the toolbar you tell StumbleUpon what sites you like and what sites you do not like. In fact, you can even change the way the thumb buttons work in that you can make it so after you give a thumb to a site a new one is sent your way. The default system has you hit the Stumble button to get a new site sent your way.
Because many in my audience are bloggers looking for ways to get more traffic to their site let me tell you this, StumbleUpon is a great source of traffic. Granted Stumblers do not click on ads but they may become permanent readers if your content is good.
In order to make your Stumbles send traffic you have to become an active Stumbler. This requires (drum roll please) using StumbleUpon! Yes, the more active you become with StumbleUpon (stumbling sites and gaining friends) the more power a thumbs up from you will have.
Why not make me a friend on StumbleUpon and begin the path of Stumbling your way to blogging success!