Tiber Alphonse Moon was a prosperous merchant from a middling mercantile family. While his family produced an abundance of adequate merchants it was Tiber who brought greatness to his family name. It was not his skill at trading nor his ability to get ahead of trends that turned him into a success. It was a…
Fefnir’s Quill
Fefnir Garzog was a famous dwarven accountant. He was also known for being a control freak of epic proportions. He oversaw the books of the Garzog clan with its myriad assortment of mines, refineries, and forges. As Fefnir grew older, and the clan grew larger, he found himself unable to personally oversee all of the…
Bjorn’s Trainer
Bjorn Svenson had a very lackluster career as an adventurer. He moved from adventuring group to adventuring group much like a tick passing through a herd of deer. It was after five years of this haphazard life that he remembered something one of his mentors had said to him, “those who can’t do, teach.” On…
The Frosthaven update and then some
Recently, there was an update on the Frosthaven Kickstarter where Isaac Childres explained some changes to the narrative designed to make the game more inclusive. This update contained a few topics: The hiring of a specifically named cultural consultant A thorough review of the narrative to look for cultural insensitivity problemsAn admission of culturally insensitive…
Zombicide 2.0 has arrived
As a gamer of a certain financial level I often keep an eye on publishers latest KickStarter offerings. I do not pledge to a lot of Kickstarters but certain game publishers have a bad habit of overloading their KS campaigns to the eventual detriment of retailers and late arrivals. Zombicide is one such product. The…
What We Are Playing: Fallout
The Fallout board game by Fantasy Flight was released in 2017. I picked up a copy shortly after release and did not like it. It was a game I wanted to like but it was held back by a very clunky victory point system. After a few failed attempts at playing, it ended up stored…
Dungeons and Dragons 5E Cantrips – Dancing Lights
Dancing Lights is very useful when cast as a tactical spell. While it can not directly damage it can be used to trick the unwary. When coupled with the old school Audible Glamour spell even a party of experienced PCs can be tricked.
Can’t Run an App in Windows 10? Try System File Checker
I use a lot of custom software for work and between anti-virus/anti-malware programs and Windows 10’s built-in safeguards I occasionally find my software unable to run. I scoured the Internet and only one solution always worked for me; System File Checker. Before you use System File Checker it is important to run the Deployment Image…
The Beefed Up Gunners Project
I have recently found myself with an abundance of free time. The first question you might have is why the blog is so dead when I have so much time. Why am I not writing more and entertaining all of you loyal readers? The reason is actually quite simple: The Fallout 4 Creation Kit. It…
Fallout 4, Faster than Fast on an RTX 2080 Super
I recently upgraded my PC to a system capable of utilizing an RTX 2080 Super graphics card. It runs everything quite well and I am happy with the upgrade. Since I play Fallout 76 exclusively on my PS4 I decided to boot up Fallout 4 on this machine and do a fresh run. Because I…
Talking About: Pokemon Sword and Shield
Just a few short days ago the two newest games in the Pokemon franchise were released. Pokemon Sword and Shield mark the beginning of the 8th generation of Pokemon games. While these are not the first Pokemon games to appear on the Nintendo Switch hardware they are the first main line games to do so….
Thrift Store Find: Go For It!
Lately I have been having stellar luck finding old board games at my local thrift stores. Not only have these games been priced low but they have also been missing either only a few replaceable pieces or completely intact. The most recent find is Go For It, a boardgame straight out of the American 80’s!…