On October 23 Bethesda released information on their new subscription service for Fallout 76. Most players expected it to cost between $10 – $15 a month and include the private servers that had been promised since before the game launched in 2018. What we got was “Fallout First” and it was not at all what…
Pokemon Masters: Olivia and Lycanroc
In the short time that I have been playing Pokemon Masters one Sync Pair has been showing up in co-op battles more than any other. That Sync Pair is Olivia and Lycanroc. Lycanroc is a Rock type Pokemon that falls into the Strike group. It is designed to hit hard and fast. With proper team…
Looking At: Pokemon Masters
There is a new Pokemon game in town and I’m not talking about the impending release of Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. What I am talking about is Pokemon Masters, a game available on Android and iOS. It is produced by DeNA and the Pokemon Company. Much like previous spin-off games this one takes a…
Consent in Gaming
Recently Monte Cook Games released a free ebook titled Consent in Gaming. This free ebook is designed for modern gamers, I say that because a lot has changed since the 1970’s and the original brown books. In the early days of Dungeons and Dragons the game was predominantly played by men, or boys. There was…
Pokemon – Looking Back at Generation One
In 1996 Game Freak started a world-wide phenomenom when it released Pokemon Red and Green version for the Nintendo Gameboy. With the game finding instant success in Japan it was soon internationalized as Pokemon Red and Blue. This set of games spawned a franchise that would endure for decades and expand into card games, books,…
Manhunt – The Electric Computer Detective Game
Manhunt, the electric computer detective game! This evening my wife and I were looking for something to do. Inspired by a recent binge watching of Mindhunter on Netflix, I decided to pull this classic from 1972 out of the closet. After pulling out the game board, getting the computer ready, and deciding on whether to…
Thrift Store Find: Family Feud!
If there is one trivia game that hits the nostalgic nerve in me, it has to be Family Feud. I don’t mean the TV game show that is still airing today. I mean the plastic and cardboard contraption that was produced in the 1970’s based on the TV game show. That’s right, I found a…
Dungeons and Dragons 5E Cantrips – Fire Bolt
Now that I have returned to the realm of Dungeons and Dragons I find myself having to learn what has changed since I last played. For me, that means converting my mind from a mostly First Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons mindset to the newer Fifth Edition of the game. There are a lot of…
Back in the Saddle Again!
It’s been a long time coming but the day finally happened, or would it be the night finally happened? Regardless of how you want to phrase it, I sat behind the DM screen last night. For years life had simply gotten in the way of running an RPG. Not just events of my own life…
Thrift Store Find: Stay Alive
A couple of days ago I wrote about finding the board game Bonkers! at a local thrift store. Today I am going to tell you about one of the other amazing finds, Stay Alive. Stay Alive is a four player game produced by Milton Bradley during the wonder years of American plastic board games. Many…
Thrift Store Find: Bonkers!
This weekend my family and I took a ride to visit a few local thrift stores. Most of the stores in my area are Goodwill stores with a few independent stores mixed in. While all of the stores are donation based as far as stocking their shelves go some are better than others when it…
YouTube and Hate Speech
There has been a lot of controversy hitting YouTube recently. We had the #VoxAdpocalypse that started when a certain employee of Vox called out comedian Steven Crowder for mocking him in his rebuttal videos. This quickly escalated into what appears to be a concerted effort on the part of legacy media to de-legitimize YouTube as…