Have you ever seen the books at the bookstore about the power of positive thinking? Are you familiar with quantum physics? Believe it or not, these two things work together to make your life better.
Let me warn you right now that this post is going to be a little bit "out there" so don't feel bad if it takes a few readings to understand.
The books on positive thinking tell you that if you think positive and will yourself to have a better life you will have a better life. Some debunk these ideas because they look around the world and see bad things. They wonder how something so simple could be true.
Part of quantum physics states that every time a quantum object, such as an electron, is faced with a choice, the world divides to allow it to take every possibility on offer. In other words, once faced with a choice, a new universe splits off where each choice option is taken.
If we put these two things together than even the simplest choice, which side of the bed to get out of in the morning, can lead to new universes with new timelines. When you mix in positive thinking you are forcing your consciousness to follow the most beneficial direction your body is taking.
Yes, I know quantum physics works at a level much smaller than your body but the concept is the same. By using the power of positive thinking you are willing yourself to choose the better option everytime you come to a choice.
Exiting from the left side of the bed may lead to a car crash that day while exiting on the right leads to finding some free money. Anything is possible! With an infinite number of universes being created every day it is plausible that a timeline already exists where you have achieved your dreams, wouldn't you rather live in that world than the one you currently inhabit?
You may be asking, what about everyone else in the world? Why are they living in the bad world that I currently inhabit?
The thing is, they may not be. they may have already used the power of positive thinking to head down a diferent timeline than you currently inhabit. You might be the last one still living here.
Your comments, as always, are appreciated.