'A few days ago I wrote about my desire to put a new face on this blog. I am in the middle of designing a new wordpress theme just for me and I'd like to tell you a few things about it before I change over.
One of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to WordPress blogs is the amount of whitespace I see. Look below the sidebar and what do you see? Nothing! That waste of space annoys me to no end. My new theme will fix that problem.
The Footer is an often overlooked part of a blog. I intend to put my footer to better use than I do now. I will likely use it to show off things that the dedicated reader is looking for but the casual reader is not. The way I see it the footer can be a good source of real estate for thanking your readers and telling them about popular content on your site. Besides, once you are done reading an article where are you? You are looking at the footer!
Because the majority of my readers use a screen size of 1024x768 or larger I will be moving to a fixed (980 pixels wide) width theme. This will better allow me to use the screen real estate you have and not leave you with tons of whitespace to look at. I'm running even wider than that but I can always bring the sides of my browser in.
I will be bringing in the rounded corners and other Web 2.0 goodness. I'm going to try to do it entirely with CSS but I may have to cheat and use some images. I'm currently trialing some of the rounded corner ideas over on my other blog Cats and their famous owners.
If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to post them below!