Have you ever gone into a big electronics retailer for a spur of the moment purchase? Ever got home and found out that the same thing could have set you back even less if you purchased it online? I have.
Ever walk into one of those big retailers and found two items side-by-side for the same price even though one of them was twice as good?
See that picture of 4GB USB thumb drives? Both boxes are marked $24.99 but one of them is twice as good as the other!
That's right, one of those boxes has one 4GB thumb drive while the other has 2 4GB thumb drives. All of them are made by the same company and all boxes contain the same exact thumb drives. It's just that one of those boxes gives you two drives for what the other box charges you for one.
Next time you go shipping be sure to look around. Don't pay double for the same thing!