Month | Unique visitors | Number of visits | Pages | Hits | Bandwidth |
Jan 2007 | 16772 | 24990 | 123066 | 359707 | 3.32 GB |
Feb 2007 | 20146 | 31934 | 150723 | 475941 | 3.81 GB |
Mar 2007 | 54678 | 85331 | 377455 | 1328160 | 12.55 GB |
Apr 2007 | 2848 | 4098 | 15950 | 49035 | 528.31 MB |
Total | 94444 | 146353 | 667194 | 2212843 | 20.19 GB |
There you have it, right from my server.
You might be wondering, "with traffic like that, what kind of money are you making?" That, dear reader is one question I can not answer. What I will say is that I've only sold one text link adv in my sidebar and they are currently quite cheap!